January Home To-Dos!!

Take advantage of the colder temps and spend some time this month getting things organized inside your home and for the year ahead:


Clean Out the Kitchen and Pantry: New Year’s resolution or not, January is a good time to check through items in the refrigerator and pantry and dispose of expired food and spices.   Take time to de-clutter and wipe down cabinets (inside and out!) to get things looking fresh and clean.

Boost Light: Although the days are getting longer, central Ohio is not known for its bright, sunshine-filled winter days.  To keep your spirits and your Vitamin D high, make sure window coverings are open and consider adding touches of white to your décor.  White interiors boost and amplify light and can certainly cheer up a dreary space

Plan Home Projects: Take time now to plan out a schedule for home improvement or maintenance projects for 2016.  Thinking far in advance can allow you to maximize your spend by purchasing products or scheduling services when they can be obtained at the lowest possible prices.

Source: Houzz