How to Stage Your Furniture When Selling Your Home

A quick glance around the Central Ohio MLS has revealed that real estate is hopping right now.  With this being the first year in a while where homeowners actually have a chance of getting a competitive price for their homes, it’s not shocking how many “For Sale” signs are popping up in yards all over the city.

Despite the possible financial gains, selling your home is no mean feat and arguably, one of the most important factors that influences your home’s desirability is how the interior appears to potential buyers.  That means staging, particularly as it pertains to your furniture and home décor.


Next to de-cluttering—you know, the process which removes everything that made your house into a home—the most important part of home staging is furniture selection and placement in your home.   Here are a few inexpensive and functional ideas to help you display your home and its furnishings to its best advantage:

Your furniture should clearly reflect the purpose of the room

Buyers shouldn’t need imagination when they come through your house, so make sure that your furniture is arranged to easily designate the purpose of each room, even if you haven’t used the room for that specific purpose.

Furniture should be arranged with a focal point and traffic flow in mind

Make sure that each room has some sort of a focal point that will guide the furniture arrangement.  It can be a fireplace, a window with a view, artwork or even a sofa or table.   Also make sure that clear and wide walkways and doorways are evident in each room; this will make your rooms feel more spacious as prospective buyers walk through your home.


Avoid too much furniture or too little furniture in your room

It’s a fine line between having too much furniture and not enough when you are staging your home.  Big items— such as beds and couches—need to stay regardless of their condition, but otherwise, pare down your selections to reflect quality not quantity.

As several us at the store have been working the real estate market recently, we are familiar with the trials and tribulations of selling a house—we hope these tips will help you if you consider taking the plunge!

From our home to yours,

Amish Originals



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